

How the School Works

The links on the right will keep you on track and rolling forward. (Yes, you're a train.)

Who Can Assist When Things Don't Work

Health and Safety (university and government)
Emergency Dal Security 902-494-6400 (or the red phone in the studio); don't call 911 for an on-campus emergency
Dal Security 902-494-6400
Injury 1799 Robie St.
Illness, counseling
Dal Student Health and Wellness
1264 LeMarchant St., second floor; 902-494-2171
Academic (School of Architecture)
Assignment expectations Instructor or your class rep
Undergraduate student advisor Roger Mullin roger.mullin@dal.ca
Graduate student advisor Catherine Venart cvenart@dal.ca
Computers and Remote Access
Design software help Architecture Computer Help Desk
Remote communication help Remote Communication
General computer help support@dal.ca

Equipment (Faculty of Architecture and Planning)

Computers, printers, scanners in the labs Ken Kam
Software on lab computers Ken Kam ken.kam@dal.ca
Large-format printers, scanner, laser cutter, 3D printer in the Digital Media Lab Ken Kam ken.kam@dal.ca
Wood shop equipment Regan Southcott regan.southcott@dal.ca

Building (Faculty of Architecture and Planning)

Studio furniture distribution DASA
Studio noise DASA dasapresidents@gmail.com
Furniture repair Regan Southcott regan.southcott@dal.ca
Building repairs Susanna Morash-Kent arch.office@dal.ca
Building maintenance Susanna Morash-Kent arch.office@dal.ca
Building access (DalCard) Tarra Chartrand tarra.chartrand@dal.ca
Classroom booking requests Hilary Hatcher grad.arch@dal.ca
Classroom equipment Susanna Morash-Kent arch.office@dal.ca
Furry predators Susanna Morash-Kent arch.office@dal.ca