

Instruments by Technique

MicroscopyÌýis used to provide spatial information about materials.

Spectroscopy/SpectrometryÌýmeasuresÌýthe interaction of energy with matter.

Diffraction/ScatteringÌýuses interference or elastic interaction of energy with matter.

Thermal AnalysisÌýuses heat energy to examine phase changes or decomposition in a sample.



Hitachi S-4700 FE Scanning Electron Microscope
ÌýMagnifications up to approx 500,000x, secondary and back-scattered electron image formation, X-ray spectra/mapping (EDS, for Z > 5), digital image acquisition, coating units (gold and carbon).
Contact:ÌýDr. Eric Moreau,ÌýMechanical Engineering

JEOL JXA-8200 Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer
Contact:ÌýD. J. MacDonald, Robert M. MacKay Electron Microprobe Lab, Earth Sciences

ZEISS/LEO 1455vp Variable PressureÌýScanning Electron Microscope
Ìýlarge specimen chamber
Contact:ÌýDr. Ping Li,ÌýScientific Imaging Suite,ÌýDepartment of Biology

FEI, Tecnai 12 Transmission Electron Microscope
120 kv; 300 kx; Gatan 832 SC1000 11M pixels (4008 x 2672) CCD cameraÌý
Contact:ÌýDr. Ping Li,ÌýScientific Imaging Suite,ÌýDepartment of Biology


Optical Microscope
Ìýup to 1000x, bright/dark field, polarized light, interference contrast, Nemarski contrast, oil immersion lenses, Polaroid, 35 mm and digital image acquisition (black and white).
Contact:ÌýDr. Kevin Plucknett, Mechanical Engineering

3D Laser Scanning Microscope – VK-X1000
Non-contact profile, roughness and film thickness measurements, nanometer resolution, material and shape independent. Fully automatic measurement and analysis.
Contact:ÌýDr. Eric Moreau, Mechanical Engineering

LSM-410-Carl Zeiss Confocal laser scanning microscope
Comments: ; fluorescence (3 laser lines: 488nm, 568nm, 647nm), optical sectioning, digital imaging, 3D reconstruction, inverted microscope
Contact:ÌýDr. Ping Li,ÌýScientific Imaging Suite, Department of Biology


Bruker Bioscope Catalyst Atomic Force Microscope with Horiba Raman Spectrometer
100 microns XY scanner; 22 microns Z-range.
Contact:ÌýDr. Laurent Kreplak, Physics & Atmospheric Science


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

BrukerÌýAvance 700 MHz NMR spectrometer
Comments:Ìý; multi-nuclear NMR for solids, range from 87Sr -31P, H/F, for 2.5mm, 3.2mm and 4mm rotors with dual and triple resonance MAS probe heads.Ìý
Contact:ÌýDr. Ulrike Werner-Zwanziger,Ìý), Chemistry

Bruker Avance DSX 400 NMR spectrometer
Ìý; multi-nuclear NMR for solids, range from 15N -31P, H/F, for 2.5mm, 4mm and 7mm rotors with dual and triple resonance MAS probe heads, and wideline capabilities.
Contact:ÌýDr. Ulrike Werner-Zwanziger,Ìý),ÌýChemistry

Bruker AV 300 NMR spectrometer
Ìý;Ìýmultinuclear NMR of liquids.
Contact:ÌýDr. Mike Lumsden,Ìý),ÌýChemistry

Bruker AV 500 NMR spectrometer
ÌýmultinuclearÌýNMR of liquids.
ÌýDr. Mike Lumsden,Ìý),ÌýChemistry

Bruker AV-III 700 MHz spectrometer
Comments:Ìý5 mm and 1.7 mm TCI cryoprobes
Contact:ÌýDr. Mike Lumsden,Ìý),ÌýChemistry

Mass spectrometry

VG/Micromass Quattro Mass spectrometer
Ìýtriple quadrupole mass spectrometer; EI/MS, CI/MS, APCI/MS, ESI/MS, GC/MS with either EI or CI, LC/MS with either APCI or ESI, MS/MS.
Contact:ÌýXiao Feng,ÌýMass Spectrometry Laboratory, Chemistry

AB SCIEX API 2000 QTRAP Mass Spectrometer
:Ìýtriple quadrupole;Ìý
Contact:ÌýXiao Feng,ÌýMass Spectrometry Laboratory, Chemistry

Thermo Finnigan LCQ Duo Mass spectrometer
ÌýIon Trap mass spectrometer; APCI/MS, ESI/MS, flow injection MS with either APCI or ESI, LC/MS with either APCI or ESI, MS/MS.
Contact:ÌýXiao Feng,ÌýMass Spectrometry Laboratory, Chemistry

Bruker micTOF Mass spectrometer
ÌýAPCI/MS, ESI/MS,ÌýLC/MS with either APCI or ESI,Ìýand high-resolution ESI or APCI, accurate mass determination.Ìý
Contact:ÌýXiao Feng,ÌýMass Spectrometry Laboratory, Chemistry

Bruker Compact QTOF Mass Spectrometer
Ìým/z range of 20-39000; ESI, APCI, APPI, Solid probe and Captive spray sources.
Contact:ÌýXiao Feng,ÌýMass Spectrometry Laboratory, Chemistry


²Ñö²õ²õ²ú²¹³Ü±ð°ù spectrometer
ÌýSpectrometers available for Fe and Sn measurements
Contact:ÌýDr. Mark Obrovac, Chemistry


Nicolet NXR 9650 FT-Raman spectrometer
Comment:ÌýNd: YVO4Ìý1064 nm laser; spectral range: 4000 cm-1Ìýto 50 cm-1;Ìývariable temperature cell (-150 to 150 °C);Ìýdepolarization accessory.
Contact:ÌýMike Johnson


VG Microtech MultiLab ESCA 2000 X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS)
Contact:ÌýAndrew George, Physics and Atmospheric Science


Bruker D8 Advance High Speed X-ray Diffractometer
ÌýÌý[PDF - 128kB]
Contact:ÌýDr. Zoheir Farhat, Mechanical Engineering

Siemens D500 Powder X-ray Diffractometer
Ìýstructural analysis of powdered samples (4K to room temperature).
Contact:ÌýAndy George, Physics & Atmospheric Science

Powder x-ray diffraction and JCPDS datafile
ÌýDr. Jeff Dahn, Physics & Atmospheric Science


TA Instrument Q200ÌýDifferential Scanning Calorimeter
ÌýTemperature range of -170ËšC to 500ËšC
Contact:ÌýMike Johnson

Netzsch LFA 427 High Temperature Laser Flash Thermal Diffusivity Apparatus
ÌýDr.ÌýStephen Corbin,ÌýMechanical Engineering

Netzsch 404 F1 Pegasus Differential Scanning CalorimeterComments: Pt furnace (RT to 1500°C), Turbomolecular vacuum pump + high purity inert gasses
Contact:ÌýDr. Eric Moreau, Mechanical Engineering

Netzsch STA 449 F1 Simultaneous Thermal Analyser (Differential Scanning Calorimetry + Thermogravimetric Analysis) with GCMS
Features: SiC furnace RT to 1550 C and Silver furnace -120 to 675 C. In-line Agilent technologies 7820A gas chromatography + 5975 mass spectrometer for evolved gas analysis.
Contact: Dr. Eric Moreau, Mechanical Engineering